HE's got the whole world in HIS hands

Saturday, March 11, 2006

20060305 - Sitting On The Sofa

My fourth physical fitness
- learning to sit.
Ain't I lovely and adorable?

Mummy, HELP!!! I am falling .....

20060305 - Relaxing In My Baby Cot

Just lying and relaxing in my baby cot. Mummy will leave me there when she is tired and needs a break... I love to look at Winnie the Pooh and play with the mobile in my baby cot.

I am 4 months old.

Friday, March 10, 2006

20060219 - Learning To Flip

My third physical fitness - flipping from back to front unaided at 15 weeks old.

Unstopable... Now that I have acquired this new skill, I will flip over wherever and whenever you put me on the bed. I just enjoy doing it!

20060225 - I Can Touch My Feet!

My second physical fitness - touching my feet!

Step 1: Be relax.

Step 2: Slowly lift up both feet.

Step 3: Lift both feet a bit higher.

Step 4: There I go ... I am touching my feet! YEAH!!!

Now I can relax a bit ... what trick can I do next?

20060214 - New Car Seat

Hhmmm ... new car seat?
Nope, just sitting in gor gor Wei En's car seat and on the way to see my doctor.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

20060204 - Movement Milestones At 3 Months

See, I can hold the toy on my own now!

Ain't I sweet?
Very soon, I will know how to put my hands together properly and pray to GOD.

20051223 - Splash Splash

Oooh ... I love it! Bathtime is one of my favourite moments. How I miss soaking in the water ... lalalalala ...

I feel so fresh and relaxing now! Life is great!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

20051220 - HE Is The Lifter Of My Head

My first physical fitness - head lifting.

Boy... it's tough. Must stay focus and concentrate...

HOORAY!!! I finally did it ... at one & a half month old.
Now I can see more than just staring at the plain ceiling!
Hhmmm ... I am enjoying the view :)

20051220 - HE Gives HIS Beloved Sleep

Ain't I cute in this sleeping position 'hand on my forehead'? Mummy has seen me slept like this in her womb too but unfortunately, the sonographer was not quick enough to capture the scan on print.

Sleeping on my tummy ... how comfortable.

20051204 - Baby Dedication

My first visit to church. It is also my Dedication Day.
See the necklace that I am wearing. It's from Grandpa who is holding me now.

A smiling Daddy and Mummy....

Welcome to the mother's club.... (from left: Aunt Wendy, Jenny, Josephine, Mummy and Joylyn)

Me in my car seat cum baby carrier.

20051121 - Stuff Toys From Grandpa

See, my Grandpa bought me these 2 stuff toys. Aren't they lovely? They come with soothing melodies too - 'Amazing Grace' from the donkey, Dominic & 'What a friend we have in Jesus' from the bible bear. Daddy and Mummy will play them to calm me down when I am colicky ;-)